Saturday, August 25, 2018

Road test

wow.....we are here finally writing about the road test...i know i know its too late but someone is always going thru this frustrating phase so here is a high five to you....and a big smile too ;)
ok lets get started.....road test is the hardest part of the driving license in oman mostly because it lacks standarization....i mean everytime u get a new ROP and they often have a different view about little details.......but to relief of the most major things they think which r right or wrong are almost same.
there are many blogs or posts i have read about it giving all the details of drivng test rules n all so i will not talk about them......will try to put links to those blogs at the end of mine.
so here are few things i think i need to add onto the information available already :

  1. going for road test for the first time.....lets be honest,they r not going to pass u on first attempt,thats not how they do it in oman so there is no point in being nervous about it....go relaxed as u dont fear whats already understood.....n take notes n get familiar with the procedure....also try to drive ur best so that u can know if he finds that ok or points out any flaws in it
  2. always ask the ROP what he has to say at the end of the test.dont let him just explain it to ur instructor.....ask him about your mistakes and note them not to repeat in future
  3. your instructor is not your friend until he has skimmed enough money out of you......take my word for that......i am not blaming anyone here but thats how things matter how sweet they are or pretend to care......
  4. never ever go for a road test if u think u r not ready but your instructor pushes u to......he has his interests and u should have yours......if you think u r still making same mistakes,if u think u r still lacking in some areas,if u think u r not confident enough yet .....DONT go for test.
  5. areas that i think need more attention are round abouts as i got failed three times due to my mistakes on round b very careful at them, make sure no car is already in round about when u r entering...look specially to the left if there is a straight road coming directly towards round about....if u can see a car there aproaching,wait for it as they can come in speed n mostly coz ROP will fail u if u dont ;)
  6. also u need to practice  parking ...perfect parking is the first thing they check....they will start test and ask you to park in the parking lot before they take u to if you want to go to the road u need to park perfectly and reversing perfectly out of it.
thats it for today ......will get back to you with second part of it soon.....stay strong u guys n just remember you r not into it alone.....n if u dont get thru its not ur fault.....its fault of instructors who fail to convey delibrately/non delibrately what is needed to b ready for it....hang in there u will make thru.....n then u never have to go thru it NEVER EVER AGAIN :)
have a good day ahead !

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